I don't really know anyone who likes to wait, and certainly Jerry and I don't. We have our times of waiting confidently for medical answers, and times of anxiety and fear. This morning when I sat down in my favorite chair with my cup of coffee and yogurt I opened my Bible to Colossians 3; which is where I had left out in my last reading. I expected to read through the chapter but never got past the first two verses.
"Since them you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on thing above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
One of my challenges in reading Scripture is not to gloss over verses that are pretty familiar to me. These verses, while certainly familiar jumped at me this morning - especially the word "set."
It seems to me that set means I need to make a deliberate calculated action to put my heart and mind on things above; this does not happen naturally. I think it also means I need to continually be recalculating (like a GPS) to keep my heart and mind SET on things above, not fear, anxiety, etc.
It's interesting to me too that God through Paul tells me to set BOTH my heart and mind on things above. Set my heart - my affections, my desires, my loves. Set my mind - what I think about, how I think and process information.
Regardless of what results from this "medi-cation"; setting my heart and mind on things above makes this a winning time off!
Great thoughts and encouragement for Doug and me today. Thanks for sharing your heart and what God is teaching you during this "medi-cation". We are praying for you both!