Sunday, December 14, 2014

Giving the Gift of Time to a Child

This weekend I went to see a local dance studio's ballet performance of Frozen.  Why did I go?  For two reasons . . . .

1)  the adorable "Little Sven" was danced by my 8 year old neighbor Becca.  In fact, she is so versatile, that she was also a snowflake and a snowman.  And she did a stellar job in each role,  I might add!  

The playhouse my dad built for us
was one of the places we first performed
"shows" through  the window.
2)  I also went in homage and gratitude for the "other adults" who through all my school years attended concerts, plays, recitals, etc.  As I look back on my childhood I am amazed that every time I had a concert at school, or was in a choir performance at church I called Uncle Harry, Aunt Stella, Aunt Lois and Uncle Bert, sometimes Buzz and Gene (before they moved) and other assorted aunts, uncles and friends and they came!  Some of them did not have any kids, others did.  Of course as a youngster I didn't realize that the event I was inviting them to was not "THE" social and musical event of the season!

How grateful I am that they invested time and interest in me - and made me feel like they would not dare miss something that was important to me.  Having someone believe in you and invest in you, beyond those who gave birth to you, is perhaps one of the greatest gifts we can give to children - our own or someone else's.

Olivia and Becca working on a puppet show a couple
years ago.  
Dance on Becca . . . Max I look forward to seeing one of your karate demonstrations . . . Noah and Olivia - invite me to your concerts . . . Katelyn, Selah, Isaac, Violet and #5 on the way . . . I look forward to the day I'll be visiting when you are in a show!

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