Besides giving my shoulder a bit of relief, it also makes it easier for Jerry and I to hold hands when we walk. (Yes we are coming up on our 20th anniversary and still holding hands!) You see, his right hand is on his wheelchair controls so only his left hand is available to hold while walking. I typically carry my purse on my right shoulder, which then means it is banging into his arm, or sliding off mine while walking and hand holding.
Now I am not asking for sympathy. I share that with you to show you how God used that as a very practical spiritual application in my life recently.
I was reading in Psalm 68. Verse 19 says, "Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior who daily bears our burdens." The devotional writer expounded on this by talking about how sometimes we let our burdens pile up and block our access to God. She reminded how God WANTS to bear our burdens, and in exchange offers us mercy. When I cast my burdens on God I draw closer to Him.

I asked God to help me grasp this in such a way that I would not forget this lesson. That's when He reminded me of the purse and walking with Jerry. Whether it matches his outfit or not, Jerry is always willing to carry my purse for me. He doesn't even realize that he is carrying any extra weight - it's not a big deal to him. I am the one who benefits. I am freed from the burden of a heavy awkward purse, and I get to draw closer to my husband, and connect with him again by holding hands.
I pray that every time I hook my purse on his chair I will be reminded to shift my burdens to the Lord and draw nearer to Him as well.
This is such a beautiful simple reminder. Thanks, Joan!